Last weekend, I finally made some good pizza. The trick seems to be a temp of between 700-800 degrees.
Glad to hear, always a great feeling to up your pizza game. I can tell that your oven temperature was good, all the soot from starting it was gone; that’s how I know my oven is ready.
Work on getting those pizzas round and you’ll be next level for sure. The cornicione looks great.
You officially have a “pizza problem” now! Your oven fire is absolutely up to snuff. Yes, 700-800 F on the floor is what you need to make first rate pizza.
Coincidentally, this is what I’m doing at the moment. But it’s okay: I’m smoking some baby back ribs!
Whoa @bikerbudmatt, I had no idea that you could use the pizza oven as a smoker! I assume you use a door and a chimney damper. What do you use for fuel to make all that smoke?
A single split of oak or maple.
Make a small fire. Replenish it at least once to make a goodly bed of hot coals.
Rake the coals to one side. Your floor temperature should be about 300-350.
Add your food, and drop a single split on top of the coals. Immediately put on the door and close the damper.
Voila! Smoker.
I do recommend your next meal should be something like pizza, to flame out the creosote from the smoking.
Perfect, thanks @bikerbudmatt.
Who-eee - Now thats a StudBud master move, there pardner​:cowboy_hat_face:!! You need a seperate thread for this whole new Brickwood section of the site!!!The road goes on forever, and the party never ends
Looks really good … pizza and oven !